Superior quality
It’s the unique qualities of the fibres that make cashmere so desirable. No other fibre merits so many superlatives: Cashmere is far finer than even the finest wool (cashmere: 14 -16 micron / superfine merino wool: 19 micron);...
more about this magic hair

Natural colors
The first step in processing raw (also known as “greasy”) cashmere is to sort the fibres by quality and colour. But even before this can happen, all non-fibrous impurities must first be removed by hand. Then the fibres are…
more about beautiful colours of our nature

Country of origin
Top-quality cashmere calls for experienced herders who really look after their goats − and for the ideal climate. To make sure we get top-quality yarn that meets our discerning standards, we source our raw cashmere from…
more abou this beutiful country

Handpicked quality
To this day, the finest raw fibres for our super cashmere yarns are still hand-combed from the goats. The more carefully the herders work, the higher the prices they will obtain for their bales of raw cashmere.
more about hand combed yarn

Our colleagues
As an international brand, we set great store by the ethnic diversity of our workforce. Our colleagues in Mongolia and Inner Mongolia, for example, are responsible for supplying our raw material.
more about our colleagues