Needle and thread makes your darling complete
If you thought that selecting the right yarns and getting the best and most experienced people to operate our handknitting machines was all there was to it, then think again. Because we sew on all our buttons and labels by hand.
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Traditional handknitting
Handknitting is the fine art of a manual craft transposed into the industrial age. And while today both Germany and Japan produce superb computer-controlled knitting machines that knit the finest products, the difference…
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Talented fingers
The final step in the production of a high-quality cashmere garment is handled by the finishing department. This is where all buttertea products are subjected to initial quality control and steamed into shape.
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Only as good as its seams
The linking machine handles the seaming or construction of the various pieces of a knitted garment. The crucial thing here is to ensure that every last stitch is picked up, to avoid holes appearing in the seams at a later date.
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Perfect fit
Leaving aside for a moment the composition and quality of the yarn, the right size and the perfect fit hold the key to that feel-good sensation in your favourite item of cashmere knitwear. That’s why we invest…
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What’s in a name
It’s only when the sustainable labels (60% organic cotton, 40% recycled polyester) are attached that our high-quality knitwear can be identified as products of the buttertea brand.
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